salam....kan k ak ade apply cikgu/lecturer MARA, result die da going to the final stage....unfortunately, time, date and venue still not confirm.....cuak2....da lame dah x g interview....really hope that everything will be running smoothly.....Insya those yg dapat interview jugak,ak mau ucap congrats....yg nggak dapat dont worry, there will be better opportunity waiting for u....for example, a few friends of mine time upic yg still x dpt keje months after the programme....busy g inyerview sane sini....still x dpt kerje....tapi alhamdulillah setelah lame menanti, ramai yg dpt g training under maybank n seterusnya jd pekerje sane....its just a matter of time....never give up....never have bad intention to Allah....Insya Allah peluang lebih baik utk kite kalau kite sabar....sebab Allah sentiasa bersame2 dgn org yg sabar.....itu juge salah satu ujian utk kite.....bersabar n tingkatkan kesabaran.....
p/s: ermm....actually ak x tau la nk percaye k bile ak tgk stats there are/were readers outside Malaysia yg singgah kt blog them, i would like to say thank you for dropping by.....walau ak x sure yg singgah ni faham k ape yg ak tulis.....n utk local readers(Malaysians) terima kasih daun keladi coz sudi singgah....sungguh ak mengakui mmg banyak kelemahan dlm penulisan ak...still dlm proses belajar....mmg byk yg ak perlu perbaiki....entry yg ak tulis semuenye dr ape yg ak rase waktu ak tgh type...n maybe irrelevant, or out-dated, atau mungkin ade gaye tulisan ak yg korang x bleh terime, rase meluat, menyampah, poyo or ape saje yg sewaktu dengannye, tiadelah niat ak utk wat korang rase gitu.....there is still room for improvement....if there are mistakes that i should alter, juz let me know, okeh!!!!ermmm...sudi2 lah singgah banyak2 kali......;p