

salam....kaifa halukum????hope kamu2 semue sihat n's your weekend???my weekend was great Alhamdulillah....went to my uni bestie's wedding last saturday....the wedding went well.....the bride was very happy(groom pon same tp groom senyum control...haha....jahat ak!!!).....smiling all the time....the guests might think that she was very happy that day because finally she got married with the man of her dream....but knowing her, she is a very happy go lucky person indeed.....all the time....even nervous during presentation pon buleh tersengih2 kt depan.....kne marah pon kalu buleh nak sengih one of her best friends, i would like to congratulate her n hubby, selamat pengantin baru....moga bahagia sampai syurga......

the next thing that makes me happy is....i have my own maid!!!haha...xdelah....actually it is my sister who already finished her order to get duit poket, she wants to iron my baju kerja complete with tudung.....yay......x yah susah2 gosok baju 'maid' will do that 4 me....extra mane2 baju kurung yg kne basuh tangan, die nk basuhkan jugak....x kesah lah bab kene bayar tp memang seronok la ak.....makin berlemak ak baju xyah gosok...hohoho.....thank you adik...u help me a lot!!!!